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Common Problems that Require AC Repair


While most property owners keep up with their HVAC units using the proper practices, it can still be tough to know when a common problem occurs that requires AC repair. While some things will be more noticeable than others, when you’re giving your unit a visual inspection, you can look for these signs something is wrong. Here’s a list of common problems that can result in a call to the pros for an AC repair.

The Condenser Fan Is Not Working Outside

Spend a little time outside with your unit and listen to the fan so you know what it should sound like. If you notice that your unit isn’t cooling the interior of your home the way it should be, this outside fan may not be working and is in need of a repair. As soon as you notice that the fan has stopped working, it’s critical that you call for an AC repair so that further damage doesn’t occur to elements like the compressor.

There Are Frozen or Dirty Coils

If your unit has frozen coils, there are a few different factors that could be the cause of it. It could be low on Freon or it could be the result of a dirty air filter that is obstructing the air flow. When you have your yearly service call with a professional AC repair company, they’ll clean the coils to ensure that they continue to work as they should. If you skip the yearly maintenance, then it’s more likely that you’ll need future repairs to address the dirty coils, so it’s better stay proactive.

The Freon Levels Are Low

If you have low Freon (or refrigerant) levels, then you’ll need to call in a certified AC repair company to handle the situation for you. Refrigerant usage is regulated by the EPA, and it’s essential that it is handled by someone who has the proper training to use it. When your HVAC unit needs to be recharged, there is good chance that you have a leak, and this will demand immediate attention. As soon as you notice your system not cooling properly, call for an AC repair.

The Wiring Is Faulty

If you’ve had multiple contractors work on your HVAC unit, some of whom may not have the training to repair air conditioning, you might find that there are some faulty elements. Bad wiring is one of the primary issues that people can have with their unit because it doesn’t allow the system to get the power it needs to function. Plus, it’s dangerous to have faulty wiring running to any part of your property. The experts will be able to resolve the situation and get you AC unit repaired and working safely again.

The Thermostat Doesn’t Work

If your thermostat isn’t accurately reading or setting the temperature, then you won’t know how or what to set it to. Have an AC repair crew come out and either repair the current thermostat, or replace it with a new one.

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